citizenship, passport & visa
Citizenship, passport & visa support for children born through surrogacy is a contentious issue. It changes often with each country having its own rules.
When it comes to gaining citizenship, a passport or visa for newborns born via cross-border surrogacy, things can get tricky. Countries have their own rules and regulations that differ from one another which makes the process complex. Plus, there may be other complications such as parents having different citizenships or being residents in countries not recognising them as citizens. It is important to understand each country’s own legal rules and regulations, along with the long delays that will be faced if documents or information is left out, forgotten or excluded. These are just some of the issues involved with obtaining essential travel documents!
Growing Families want to make this challenge less stressful by providing assistance packages tailored towards each individual case. Sometimes DIY solutions work great while other times outside legal representation is needed. Either way we’re here to help you navigate your way through so contact us today if you need any advice regarding new-born citizenship, passports or travel visa requirements via surrogacy!
engage with Growing families
Too often intended parent(s) engage in surrogacy without full awareness of the risks and how potential hurdles can be minimised. To assist, Growing Families have created support packages that inform, guide, and support your journey.
If you would like to discuss your situation in more detail with us, please complete this situation assessment form so we can understand your journey to date. Then, we will be in contact to arrange a 15-minute consultation.
Growing Families also host regular events featuring expert service providers, surrogates and recent parents. View our Event Schedule for an upcoming event near you.