Dr Tamar Barbakadze

Tamar Barbakadze M.D. is a leading obstetrician gynecologist, reproductive endocrinologist, endocrinologist at ReproART Georgian-American Center for Reproductive Medicine. She brings all necessary skills required for a modern doctor backed up with 18-year long practical experience. She is ESHRE (European Society on Human Reproduction and Embryology) – licensed doctor in reproductive endoscopy, licensed obstetrician- gynecologist, reproductive endocrinologist. She is an author and co-author of academic papers and is an active member of research projects. She is also among authors of 100 best academic papers for which she was nominated by an international association of gynecology and endocrinology; In parallel, she is engaged in international scientific studies carried out in cooperation with American and European clinics and seeking to develop assisted reproductive technology throughout the world. Tamar is a member of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Representative of ESHRE in Georgia and etc. Free consultations are available with advance booking at: n.janadze@reproart.ge