Gearoid and his partner Seamus embarked on an extra-ordinary surrogacy journey, initially working with multiple donors and a surrogate in Canada – it was a terrible experience. Shattered and having run out of embryos, they refused to give up their dream of parenthood. They switched to creating new embryos with a leading Californian IVF clinic. Drained of funds to afford a US surrogacy agency, they matched independently with an altruistic UK surrogate and flew her to California for the transfer. Now dads to 15 month old boy/girl twins, their story demonstrates initiative and doggedness in the face of adversity. Based on Growing Families advice they moved their embryos to North Cyprus IVF clinic for baby #3 due to Covid) and they are now 16 weeks pregnant. Gearoid has become a spokesperson for Equality for Children – a group of parents lobbying for the right to have both legally recognised.