Surrogacy in Georgia to Continue

Written by: Sam Everingham

Despite a government announcement in 2023 of discomfort with the growing demand for surrogacy in Georgia, the government has declined to make any changes to current Georgian laws allowing surrogacy for heterosexual married and de-facto couples who can prove they are in a relationship.

As a result, Georgian law continues to allow surrogacy for foreigners, using shipped embryos, self cycle and egg donor programs.

There remain concerns about the import of foreign women from surrounding countries as surrogates to ‘band-aid’ the shortage of Georgian surrogates given the country’s small population. One effect of the popularity of Georgia has been a steep rise in the levels of surrogate compensation. While once surrogate compensation of US$16,000 was paid, this has now increased to US$28,000 – $35,000.

Growing Families has shortlisted just a few Georgian surrogacy agencies who are still able to provide local Georgian surrogates, thus avoiding the risk of exploitation of foreign women brought in for this purpose. Please be very cautious about accepting the offer of agencies to match you with a foreign surrogate in Georgia

For professional advice on reputable providers and discounted programs available, please check out this page.

This article was written by:

Sam Everingham

Sam Everingham is the founder of Growing Families. He has extensive global networks with surrogacy researchers, families, agencies, and reproductive specialists, and has been helping couples and singles with their family building journey for over a decade. He is a regular media commentator and has co-authored articles on surrogacy in several reputable journals.

Read more about Sam Everingham
