1.50-2.10pm The Australian Surrogate Perspective Local altruistic surrogates who birthed a child during 2020 for intended parents previously known and unknown provide a reality check for intended parents, discussing what they ... Wednesday, 17 February 2021
12.50-1.20pm. Surrogacy in Canada Provides a detailed overview of the issues to consider in Canadian egg donation and surrogacy for foreigners, different types of agencies, wait times, screening, legal contracts, eligibility, ... Saturday, 13 February 2021
12.00-12.50pm Parent Panel Recent heterosexual and gay Australian parents via surrogacy in Australia and internationally share their experiences, the highs and lows, what they learned and what they would have done ... Friday, 5 February 2021
11.10-11.30am Practical Advice on Legal and Parentage Issues What does Victorian law provide for in regard to surrogacy? Are you recognised as a parent? Can you engage with a traditional surrogate ... Friday, 29 January 2021
10.50-11.10am Ukraine Surrogacy – What are the Considerations ? Anna Lisnichenko is a Ukraine-based expert on surrogacy practice, laws and Ukraine government procedures. In recent years, her Odesa-based agency has become ... Friday, 29 January 2021
10.30-10.50am Supporting You & Your Surrogate – The US Agency Model Agency for Surrogacy Solutions is located in California – the heart of the US long history of surrogacy. Its owners ... Wednesday, 8 April 2020
10.10-10.30am Surrogacy in Colombia Provides an update on sperm shipping processes, wait times to match with a surrogate, the impact of Covid-19, donor and surrogate availability, costs and exit processes for ... Wednesday, 8 April 2020
9.50-10.10am Medical Preparation for Intended Parents Whether you are shipping sperm for egg donor IVF or surrogacy elsewhere, or making embryos in your own city, there are important steps in the ... Wednesday, 8 April 2020